RBC Sermon Series
Flourishing in the Kingdom of Heaven
In this ten-week sermon series, we explore themes in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount including
human flourishing, genuine Christian living, righteousness, and more.
Flourishing in the Kingdom of Heaven
April 14, 2024
In this new series on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, Louis Bridgman explores what it means to pray for God's kingdom to come (Matthew 6:9-10). He introduces the concept of the kingdom of heaven by describing the quality of God's reign through four illustrations.
Kingdom Values
April 21, 2024
Louis Bridgman delves into Jesus' Beatitudes from Matthew 5:1-12, highlighting the qualities and attitudes that characterize the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. He emphasizes how humility, compassion, and a yearning for righteousness lead to true blessedness and flourishing in God's kingdom.
Kingdom Ambassadors
April 28, 2024
Doug Virgint examines Matthew 5:13-16, emphasizing the role of believers as salt of the earth and light of the world. He highlights how Christians are called to influence and preserve society through their faith and actions, embodying the values of God's Kingdom. This sermon encourages believers to actively live out their faith, impacting the world positively by being true representatives of God's kingdom.
Understanding Kingdom Righteousness
May 5, 2024
Stephen McHarg explores the concept of righteousness in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, defining it as "whole person behavior that accords with God's nature, will, and coming kingdom." He examines various contrasts of righteousness in Matthew's Gospel and emphasizes that true righteousness goes beyond external adherence to the law, focusing instead on internal purity and right relationships with both God and others.
Practicing Kingdom Righteousness
May 12, 2024
Stephen McHarg exposits Jesus' teachings on righteousness in Matthew 5, focusing on anger, adultery, and divorce. He emphasizes that true righteousness requires a change of heart, not just outward actions, and encourages listeners to examine their relationships and thoughts in light of Jesus' standards for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Imitating Kingdom Righteousness
May 19, 2024
Stephen McHarg examines Jesus' teachings in Matthew 5:33-48 on oaths, retaliation, and loving one's enemies. He emphasizes that true kingdom righteousness requires a change of heart, leading to whole-person behavior that aligns with God's nature and will. The message encourages listeners to imitate Christ's example of unconditional love and go beyond societal norms in their treatment of others, even those who wrong them.
Kingdom Devotion
May 25, 2024
Dave Brereton shares Jesus' teachings in Matthew 6:1-18 on authentic devotion to God, emphasizing the importance of sincerity in giving, prayer, and fasting. He encourages listeners to "keep it real" with God, focusing on a genuine relationship with Him rather than outward displays of piety.
Kingdom Perspective
June 2, 2024
Christian Morasse expounds on Jesus' teachings in Matthew 6:19-34 about treasures, anxiety, and seeking God's kingdom. He emphasizes that true human flourishing comes from prioritizing a deepening relationship with God over worldly possessions, and encourages listeners to reorient their hearts towards eternal treasures rather than temporary earthly ones.
The Golden Rule
June 9, 2024
Nick Azzuolo explores Jesus' teachings in Matthew 7:1-12 about judging others, sharing truth wisely, and seeking God's help. He emphasizes the importance of self-examination before judging others, discerning when to share spiritual truths, and persistently seeking God's guidance through prayer - ultimately culminating in the Golden Rule as a guiding principle for Christian living.
The Kingdom Way
June 16, 2024
Les Muirhead expounds on Matthew 7:13-29, emphasizing the importance of choosing the narrow path that leads to life, building one's life on the solid foundation of Jesus' teachings, and bearing good fruit through genuine discipleship. He highlights the contrast between superficial religiosity and authentic Christian living, urging believers to embody the principles of the Sermon on the Mount in their daily lives and within their community.