RBC Sermon Series
Flourishing in the Kingdom of Heaven

In this ten-week sermon series, we explore themes in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount including
human flourishing, genuine Christian living, righteousness, and more.

The Golden Rule
Cynthia De Santis Cynthia De Santis

The Golden Rule

June 9, 2024
Nick Azzuolo explores Jesus' teachings in Matthew 7:1-12 about judging others, sharing truth wisely, and seeking God's help. He emphasizes the importance of self-examination before judging others, discerning when to share spiritual truths, and persistently seeking God's guidance through prayer - ultimately culminating in the Golden Rule as a guiding principle for Christian living.

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The Kingdom Way
Cynthia De Santis Cynthia De Santis

The Kingdom Way

June 16, 2024
Les Muirhead expounds on Matthew 7:13-29, emphasizing the importance of choosing the narrow path that leads to life, building one's life on the solid foundation of Jesus' teachings, and bearing good fruit through genuine discipleship. He highlights the contrast between superficial religiosity and authentic Christian living, urging believers to embody the principles of the Sermon on the Mount in their daily lives and within their community.

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