RBC Sermon Series
Parables of the Kingdom

In this ten-week sermon series, we examine Jesus’ teachings on the
Kingdom of Heaven through parables He taught in the Gospel of Matthew.

Introduction to the Parables
Cynthia De Santis Cynthia De Santis

Introduction to the Parables

June 30, 2024
Doug Virgint begins a new series on Parables of the Kingdom, emphasizing how Jesus uses familiar concepts to teach unfamiliar lessons. By dissecting the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37, the sermon highlights the significance of genuine compassion, criticizes the superficial adherence to religious laws, and underscores that God judges the heart and motivations of individuals.

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The Parables of the Net and the Householder
Cynthia De Santis Cynthia De Santis

The Parables of the Net and the Householder

July 28, 2024
Louis Bridgman continues the study of Jesus' parables about the Kingdom of Heaven from Matthew 13:44-53. The central message of these parables is that God's Kingdom is open to everyone, but not everyone will be open to it. He emphasizes that only those who follow Jesus faithfully and produce spiritual fruit will be welcomed into the Kingdom, while hypocrites and the wicked will face judgment.

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