Abbreviated Statement of Faith
This statement is a concise summary of the “Fundamentals of the Faith”. The truths in this statement are basic to a right understanding and belief concerning God and His Word, the Person and work of Christ, and the way of salvation. Confident and full acceptance of these truths is a requirement for membership at RBC.
The Holy Bible is the divinely inspired, unerring Word of God, our supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
There is one true God, sovereign Creator of the universe. God exists eternally in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Son of God is the Lord Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man. Born of the virgin Mary, He lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again from the dead. He ascended to His Father’s right hand, and now intercedes for His people there. He will soon return for His church, begin His judgment of all mankind, and institute His universal rule.
By nature, each individual person is fallen and lost, unable to escape God’s judgment against our sin. But by the infinite grace of God and the atoning sacrifice of Christ, all who put their faith in Jesus the risen Lord receive full forgiveness and eternal life. All who refuse Him perish.
The Holy Spirit works in the world, convicting men and women of their sin and drawing them to Jesus Christ the Lord. The Holy Spirit indwells all true believers, enabling them to experience the life in Christ, and providing them with spiritual gifts whereby they may glorify God and build up His church.